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  • 05-31-11 02:01 AM
    Neil Stratton

    Rules for posting jobs

    Please post as many details regarding the safe that needs servicing.

    If you have a safe that needs to opened or serviced, please try and answer these questions.
    Is there a name on the safe or the dial?
    Is the safe locked open or locked closed?
    What problems are you experiencing?
    Is it a fire rated safe or a burglary rated safe?
    Are there any key locks associated with the safe?
    Does it have an electronic lock?
    Is the door round, square, or rectangular?
    Is there a handle?

    If your safe needs to be moved, please try to answer these questions.
    Is there a name on the safe or the dial?
    Is it a fire rated safe or a burglary rated safe?
    Do you know the dimensions? H x W x D
    Do you know the weight?
    Is the safe bolted down?
    Are there any steps involved?
    How far does the safe need to be moved?
    Are there wheels on the safe?

    Once you have posted the job listing, we will move it to the technicians area for them to review and contact you. Please leave your contact information within the post.

    This forum is a moderated forum and messages will move to the secure members area once submitted. Please submit only one post.

    You can also search for a technician in your area by going here:
    Safe Tech Search

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