Sami, You said that you checked these every so often, but reading other messages, I suspect that you don't as much as you should. Send me a message when you see this. Get an email address!
Hi. Sami - Haven't heard back from you since you visited and stayed with us in Houston. Please give me a call when you get a chance. Sent you a message have not heard back from you.
Hi Sami, I have sent a mail to some of the other tecs asking him the same question. Have an idea for a class. Defeating key operated safe lock without drilling a new hole in the door. Rebuilding / modifying Stuv, Mauer, and some others lock bodies to magic foot print. Ways to modify doors / key tubs. I am running it around in my head on how to make the class a hands on instead of just a theory class. You would need locks (not hard) have the students bring old ones. The ones that need to be modified, that has to be don on a milling machine. I have come it my shop but I would need to make some more. Hand tools, drills, bitts, fress, and mockups. That would be the hard part. I do have some friends in the area that I may be able to help make the mockups. If I can then it could be a do able thing. Do you think this is something that would make a class that tecs. would like? Regards, Bruce
Hi Sami, I got the Swedish made wrenches from Richard. Thank you so much, they are now in my toolbox. I was in Kentucky at MBAUSA July 10-23 for GSA cert and passed the Joe F. Cortie "pass or go home" marathon. Best time I've had in years. I feel accomplished. Talk to you soon.
Sami!! where are you?
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